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The Crack Magazine

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20th March – 20th April Next few months are so significant for 2025. There are choices to make and changes in direction (some chosen, some unexpected). Both Venus and Mercury are retrograde in your sign which can feel you’re going in circles at times, but it’s the burst of new energy and new beginnings from the spring equinox on 20th (when the sun moves to your sign), and the combined force of your new moon solar eclipse on 29th with planet Neptune moving to your sign on the 30th (first time for 160 years) that is about moving forward in long-term, life changing, game changing ways.

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20th April – 21st May If you didn’t believe you have a sixth sense before now, you’re about to, as your intuition is heightened like never before, especially during March. Which helps as your ruler Venus is retrograde, so you’re reflecting and reassessing, and prepping to make big changes. There are likely some dates with destiny too, as it’s all about reconnection and reunion.

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21st May – 21st June Planet Neptune is on the move, which means there are big shifts and changes in your life in coming months, maybe biggest for around 15 years. It’s not overnight change but March will show very visible signs of it, perhaps it feels like a fog lifting, and a new sense of clarity dawning. Your ruler Mercury is retrograde so it’s not totally straightforward yet, but it’s very clearly on the way.

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21st June – 23rd July Two eclipses mean March is a powerful mover and shaker of a month. The first is a full moon eclipse on the 14th, focusing on important communication and information that answers questions or makes you see things in a new way. Then there’s the solar eclipse on the 29th, a potent new moon of new beginnings for months to come, focusing on your career and long-term commitments.

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23rd July – 23rd August There’s a powerful lunar eclipse on the 14th, bringing to the forefront themes of security, finances, purchase power, and any agreements or contracts that you’ve been seeking solutions and wanting sorting. Mercury and Venus are both retrograde, which means unfinished business might resurface connected to this, but it also means you might be on your travels, revisiting or reconnecting with places from the past. The solar eclipse on the 29th might coincide with new horizons somehow too.

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23rd August – 23rd September The changes you have longed for, especially in the realm of relationships, are underway. It’s part of a bigger picture of long-term change, so it’s not happening all at once, but March is the powerful beginning. A full moon eclipse in your sign on the 14th is about the time being exactly right for a door to close on the past, and the new moon eclipse on the 29th is about important first steps into a new future.

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23rd September – 23rd October March is so significant for you and your relationships. Firstly, Neptune, planet of romance, idealism and healing moves to your relationship house for a long-term stay. Also, your ruling planet Venus is retrograde, along with Mercury. This means March is all about reconnection, reunion, and going over old ground (or overthinking the future). Finally, the solar eclipse on the 29th is all about new beginnings and renewal for relationships, now and for months to come.

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23rd October – 22nd November It’s a busy month with lots happening, often all at the same time. Venus and Mercury are both retrograde, indicating you’re reassessing priorities, maybe rescheduling too. There’s a lunar eclipse midmonth, focusing on fun and good times, now and for weeks ahead. And Neptune, planet of no limits and no boundaries is working closely with the powerful solar eclipse on the 29th to bring in long-term changes and new beginnings. The world is your oyster, in other words.



22nd November – 22nd December So much is revolving around matters of the heart, for this month and beyond. During March the theme of reunion and reconnection is big all month as two planets are retrograde. A solar eclipse on the 29th brings in new beginnings too, and there’s also planet Neptune, the magical, romantic energy that is firing your passion for love, life, art and creativity like never before.



22nd December – 20th January Both Venus and Mercury are retrograde during March, focusing on home and family. It’s a sign of reunions, meet-ups, and changes in plans that match a change of priorities. Chilled out planet Neptune dominates the energy at the end of the month, and there’s a solar eclipse on the 29th, focusing on home and family too. It all means you’re prepping and planting some new beginnings that will bloom nicely in months to come.



20th January – 18th February Neptune, planet of dreams and intuition, has been in your house of finances, security and self-worth for the past 15 years. It’s a planet that isn’t known for its grounded, practical side, but it certainly brought you the dreams worth investing in. This month Neptune moves to your house of communication and information, along with two retrograde planets Mercury and Venus. It’s a recipe for confusions, mix-ups and misunderstandings, so keep seeking clarification.

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18th February – 20th March There’s been some big changes in recent weeks, and that theme continues through March. The energising sun is in your sign until the 20th and meets the moon on the 14th for a powerfully self-defining full moon eclipse that gets you so self-reflective about who you are now and how far you’ve come. Your ruler Neptune has been in your sign since 2010 and is shifting on March 30th to focus on finances, security and values, which means that’s your long-term focus too.