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The Crack Magazine


Cat Video Fest at the Star and Shadow Cinema

Is there anything more enjoyable than cat videos? I don’t think so, and the Star and Shadow Cinema seems to agree with me. In order to raise money for Newcastle Dog and Cat Shelter, they’ve edited together an hour-long montage of cats knocking things over, getting stuck, fighting with each other, and just generally doing what cats do. It’s nice to watch a feature-length amount of cat footage in a cinema full of people instead of by myself at home.

    All the cat videos were wholesome and family friendly, and some even had little songs to go along with them. The audience, many of whom were sporting cat ears, cat masks, or whiskers drawn on in eyebrow pencil, laughed through the whole thing. There were some emotional moments too though - one cat was so adorable he made a child burst into tears.

    Apparently, cat video festivals have been a yearly tradition in some parts of the US since 2019. Say what you want about American culture, but this is one thing I think we could do with stealing.

    Sid Phoebus
