Peter Brewis - BlowDry Colossus
The new solo album from Field Music’s Peter Brewis is – apart
from one track – an instrumental release that turns 1980s-style
electronica into something rather wonderful. But this is not 1980s
chart music stuff. It’s more test card exotica (think: the
deeper-cut, psychedelic end). ‘Drumeoscene’ could have been the
theme tune to a 1985 TV show about the delights of science, while
‘Blowdry Colossus’ is all caffeinated up and topped with jazzy
froth. Elsewhere, ‘Warm Wind’ dunks us into an electronic warm
bath; ‘Lemoncadabra’ is packed with starry-eyed wonderments; and
‘Panda Tonic’ is a meditative closer. An album fizzy with ideas.
Released 22 September on Daylight Saving Records
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