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The Crack Magazine

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The Orion Trio - Bluebottle Green

Here’s a curio. Peter Watts wrote a whole bunch of songs when he was 16 or 17, but he didn’t record them. He’s now 72 and has decided to get a band together to finally give them an airing, the result being ‘Bluebottle Green’. And – what do you know – it’s fab! The songs are straight up guitar-based pop, which live or die on the quality of their melodies, and, pleased to report, they’re real crackerjacks. From the jaunty optimism of ‘The Good Side of Life’ to the Beatles-like ‘You Can Depend On Me’ to the barroom boogie of ‘The Working Blues’, these are tracks that have finally seen the light and for that we can be very grateful. GM

Out now, self release

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